You seem to have read a lot of webnovels and be quite experienced with the genre. Any recommendations that get your seal of approval? I'm really itching to see some different ones, that break the current template.
Is there a current trend in Japan for manga and hentai to play on the ambiguity of "I'm gonna eat you/You are my favorite meal"? Like it's either sexy time or bon appétit.
This school arc is boring so far. The typical high school guy can calculate at university level bullshit. I hope the PE bet will be more fun for me to read.
So this. Best explanation to date. Well done.
It makes so much sense for anyone who ever played an RPG. That super powerful mithril back then? Trash now, because I farm adamantium and orichalcum. That hard foe in the first half of a Final Fantasy title? Can't even take one hit now.