what's a shuttle exactly? like a person to take on the bullying for the class? first time i heard this term. Also I feel bad for Baek I hope she's not completely alone
I think during the dream in the novel she talks more about family time that she unable to be a part of and shows her longing of a family. Also by second brother she was thinking of her past life brother, but it not that different from this one
Prince why didnt you say anything about the rumor of dating serenia spread among the servants!? Ugh I hoped that part would make him clear the misunderstanding
He has to put up an act for her every time and now she encroaching on his free time(the time he takes the poison?). Of course he's gonna get tired of the act.
@codydub03 no it's just she has no other way of getting along with her son she doesn't know what he likes or something in common to talk about. It's just feels empty in a way.