around the time they started talking with the king it felt like it got a lot more confusing than it was beforehand, it definitely can be improved a bit
tag filters applying sitewide has been requested quite a few times, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be coming any time soon, that said, I think you can try to alleviate the issue by blocking the groups that do these releases?
I wish it was at least possible on the client side, it wouldn't need to be a site wide thing that needed to be agreed upon by everyone. But I guess you can just block groups and achieve the same effect
Personally I wish we had a tag for netorare, not just due to the large amount of porn with it but also for the normal manga that also features it. You can clearly see how much it unnerves people by looking at the rating scores of manga that features it. Here's an example...
I'm pretty sure the entire idea behind not letting her burn the fields is that it would be way easier and faster for her to do so, thus she wouldn't learn anything about the hard work that goes into it, no?
damn been more than a year since the last official english volume release, and it's been some good 8 months since the last jp volume released. I'l losing hope for any new updates here
@ThamFrench there isn't a separate entry for this what will likely need to be done is change the tags on the page to pornographic(there's tons of zurikichi works that are like that, even though there are chapters without any H on it)
like this title here...
I disagree, teasing is different from calling someone trash and unpleasant, as the mc himself says, he was being ridiculed. It's why it makes so little sense to me he would go from that to, yeah okay let's go out together