Oh man, just started reading through this and it's been pretty decent. Looking forward to where the story goes from here.
Hopefully this gets picked up again.. and this time by people who put in effort without asking for monetary exchange for it :v
Is it next week yet? :(
If ya'll are droppin' this then I hope someone picks this up with consistent releases. I enjoy the art/concept, the faces the characters make are amusing.
Translation seemed good, just a spelling thing caught my eye on first read.
Page 8: time to spair -> Time to spare
Thank you for your work on the translation!
I get where you're coming from with having a Discord server with updates for your personal website and all.. but a lot of readers use Mangadex because it has everything all in one spot.
It'd be fine if you were the only group that had a Discord server and pinged updates for stuff they post on...
Aw man, I started reading this today.. and it stopped getting translated right before stuff kicks off?
Big sad.
I really hope someone picks this up soon, aside from Lloyd being creepy, this has been pretty hilarious and amusing to read.
Ahh that kinda hits home hard.
I'm glad there was finally a moment like that, and the art to back the moment was amazing.
Looking forward to more, thank you for the translation and the chapter!