Cool, thanks for the thoughts, but if fans needed to get more eps we can search ourselves.
I mean to say just let the scanlation group doing it just keep doing it unless you see the last upload was more than 2months ago.
@WhimsiCat wouldn't be surprised if the two Theo n Lutz were given heads up of the plan, given the part about Lutz using 3magic stones means he's finished... Could be implying they wanted the two to try to escape and if unable to try to delay enough for backup to arrive.
@karolyn they're dealing with a foreign country's royalty that's has no problems with trying to infiltrate their Royal palace to kidnap/steal import national level military assets...
They're making a case to damned strong that they can openly stomp on that other country and no other country can...
Didn't read the credits.
Anyone have any idea why it took so long for the most recent upload? Exams? Usually exams. Man I love this manga already and it's only 6 chapters in. I hope no one gets burnt out from working on it in long stretches of time all at once. Oh yeah, is there a light...
You got any more them Villainess stories...
[Crack addict meme here]
I'm all read up on all those ya already listed...
Edit: oh yeah, but that first anthology chapter... God damn that was contrived so hard its painful and just plain stupid to boot. How'd that get past the publishing editor I...