@Tearsax yup, 'muricans. Native speakers do this kind of mistake all the time, and also the 'your' and 'you're' or 'there' and 'their' and a few others.
If you read till page 24 it could turn into a ghost/supernatural story 🤣
Also, at least looks like his balls will not be blue for the rest of his life.
@jorgeDS its only the ones at the top, which makes sense. The bad apples are the ones that can make a difference, not most of the common folks. Greed does that, and to me it looks perfectly normal.
I think hes gonna come up with some smartass "excuse" like "I have some very serious business to do and I might die from it, so Im not gonna make such a decision and leave a widow" (which wouldnt be exactly a lie).
On page 5 you put the "TDM" on the bubble and then explained its an acronym on the TL. Why? Just put the translation inside the bubble.
Its just like "all according to keikakku (keikakku means plan)", completely useless.
Another great one, thanks man.
At least seems like our hero isnt on the bad side of the higher ups, they didnt just assume hes doing shady things on purpose.