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  1. pandacard

    Tamen de Gushi - Ch. 185.1

    Wow, that's not what i was expecting from the first part after being happy to see two releases...
  2. pandacard

    BlazBlue - Variable Heart - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

    Thanks for translating :D
  3. pandacard

    Martial Universe - Ch. 86 - I Will Win

    God this guy is an asshole. Just die...
  4. pandacard


    @Thndslz Uh this isn't about Yuning, it's about the small girl that just came crying to Xinghe last chapter.
  5. pandacard

    Raise Kamika - Vol. 5 Ch. 25

    @jangankangkung Considering it's only the third chapter in the volume, i seriously doubt that it is.
  6. pandacard

    Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 3 Ch. 26

    @Amplify Just for clarification, i'm also current on the web novel. 😇
  7. pandacard

    Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 3 Ch. 26

    @Amplify You know, it really doesn't bother me.. I love how the story is literally just her living her life. No grand quest, no people screaming "GO TAKE OUT THE DEMON KING" or shit like that.
  8. pandacard

    Koukyuu Days - Vol. 8 Ch. 36

    @SapphireDemon Gawd i know... If only she could just tell the guy that they're siblings and they don't need to worry about being in each other's hearts... but that would invite other problems, so no..
  9. pandacard


    @Vasqueztion lol that's pretty sound reasoning.
  10. pandacard

    Shishunki Bitter Change - Vol. 9 Ch. 64 - Finale

    @azuremirage technically, they remained unswitched. Back in their original bodies.
  11. pandacard

    Tensei Pandemic - Vol. 6 Ch. 36 - Mikoto-chan wants to sparkle

    lmfao mikoto getting a hard-on in the tree....
  12. pandacard

    Horimiya - Vol. 13 Ch. 97 - Dare

    @Gabcro03 They're basically at married couple status, so i'm not surprised that we haven't gotten any development between the two. @TSP Music to my ears. 😎
  13. pandacard


    Play on Mr. Experienced Adventurer. Ba da ba ba ba, i'm lovin' it.
  14. pandacard

    X - Epoch of the Dragon - Ch. 42 - Honor Student

    I think it could have been better if the author didn't arbitrarily decide "let's give him absolutely 0 talent to draw the school arc out and not let him be with his harem." (i know 2 may not qualify for a harem but fuck it)
  15. pandacard

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 911

    @Confused No... They talked about how they loved each other, but there was no actual asking each other out.
  16. pandacard

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 908 - There's No Way I Wouldn't!!

    @Blackstarz666 Jun's mind is a broken image? Edit: posted when link wasn't loading. Not changing it now lol
  17. pandacard

    I, the Female Robot - Vol. 2 Ch. 126 - Killing the Child of God!

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Hahaha unwittingly helping the people you're trying to kill...
  18. pandacard


    @degenerateafro I disagree on only one character. The fatty is a pretty sensible guy/character.