@nagi_one well plenty of species have already gone extinct because of invasive species^^ thats why in some countys you will be punished rrly hard if you bring them in
@Stalkerman well if i got that right the highlanders are the ones providing the only defense against the monsters^^ sure she could kill any monster she encounters but not everywhere at the same time^^ weapons for everyone are more effective than superman
@BlueHill yes ofc i mean thicker^^ and there is a limit where nothing goes through it^^ and they still dont know the power of a mg^^ they probably think in some measurements like amor piercing crossbow bolts and there a heavy shield would work
@rrolo1 shield > amor
A big shield can tank amor piercing bolts so the decision isnt completly wrong^^ and if the shiels were a bit bigger it might even work^^ but then it would be heavy