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  1. Nyanyan444

    Casual chatting thread

    IT'S NOT FAIR! Love has 3 points but strike just -1.
  2. Nyanyan444


  3. Nyanyan444

    Casual chatting thread

    OI jii-san, you said you don't want to get involved on this.
  4. Nyanyan444

    Last Letter Game

  5. Nyanyan444

    Casual chatting thread

  6. Nyanyan444

    The husbando appreciation section

    I'll restore I just want to said that! Anyway, I'll add my husbando here.
  7. Nyanyan444

    Casual chatting thread

    In the span of 5 hours.
  8. Nyanyan444

    Music Tournament 5: Submissions.

    I thought the deadline on 12 and I realized detective-san use American system.
  9. Nyanyan444

    Show Off Your Reaction Score!

    I know how you do it! Because you have bigtiddy! I don't have bigtiddy, so I can't do it.
  10. Nyanyan444


    @Robinisback It's bad idea dude, let's try another not really subtle
  11. Nyanyan444

    Music Tournament 5: Submissions.

    Lucky guess :pacman: Sorry, I don't know this reference.
  12. Nyanyan444

    Music Tournament 5: Submissions.

    Doesn't you use it too?
  13. Nyanyan444


  14. Nyanyan444


    @DavidianMillerian Dude, it still first december and you already celebrate it. But thank you so much dude. That's a precious gift you got me. I'll try to be on the naughty list next year to complete the cutscene. @Basic_human If you don't want the Africa you can give to me, let's trade with...
  15. Nyanyan444

    Show Off Your Reaction Score!

    let me give it to you
  16. Nyanyan444

    Wow 1k idk wawa uhm probably an AMA and face reveal1!1!1!1!!!

    I just remind you that thread message can't be delete. Your welcome.
  17. Nyanyan444

    Wow 1k idk wawa uhm probably an AMA and face reveal1!1!1!1!!!

    It feels so wrong?:huh:
  18. Nyanyan444

    Wow 1k idk wawa uhm probably an AMA and face reveal1!1!1!1!!!

    You can remove it but I have the evidence.
  19. Nyanyan444

    Wow 1k idk wawa uhm probably an AMA and face reveal1!1!1!1!!!

    I consider if it have rainbow color.