It says a lot about this series that I have to take his ability to resist his daughter's pushing as a win for Nishikata. Wins are few and far between for that man.
it's really weird to me how they have to kill themselves to make the weight, then gain it all back in a few days for the fight. what's the point of even making the weight, if the fighters can come in and actually FIGHT while overweight? And if you don't let them regain it, who wants to see...
This series is still really fun to revisit. Almost every one of these chapters could be spun into a full-on series, and probably turn out better than most of the generic "dungeon master" or "I'm the villainess in a dating sim" isekais these days
re: Monty Hall problem
imagine 100 gum balls. You pick one, and then they eliminate 98 Sour gum balls, leaving just your choice and one other. ONE of these must be Sweet.
So you have to ask yourself, which is more likely - That you aced the 1-in-100 chance of picking the Sweet one right out of...