An incubus calling a great wizard's plans chuuni is a rather harsh insult.
Is that because some women have no cooking skills or a menace in the kitchen?
Haruka is hornier than a cat in heat, but at least she makes cute rather than freaking annoying sounds.
Her lies at being bad with technology are becoming less convincing.
More like a
Hadar just casually adds 20 years to a grandma's life like it's just another homework assignment. Then he banishes cluster headaches to Hell.
By the time Hadar is 65, he would make even Gandalf the Grey look like a party magician.
Careful, Neppers. William Henry Harrison got caught in the rain, couldn't be bothered to change his clothes, and became quite dead. Numbnut also gave a long speech on a crappy day when he was inaugurated.
Calling Chihaya's breasts mammoth milkers at this point wouldn't do her justice. She's even bustier than that one chick from For Every 1 Like, This Flatty's Breasts Will Grow By 1mm.