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    Shinyuu Ouji to Koshiginchaku - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Paths to Happiness

    I know right? That king and queen is brainless!
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    Shinyuu Ouji to Koshiginchaku - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Paths to Happiness

    AND YOU TRUST THEM??? They are the family that tried to curse your son dude...
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    Risou no Himo Seikatsu - Vol. 14 Ch. 57 - An Unbeatable Deal

    The old farts there are just stupid stubborn and won't change their old ways. Remember that kid who invented a mini carrier that can help elementary school kids with their heavy school backpacks? Yea the old men cried about it, shouting things like "that's not how it's supposed to be", "it's a...
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    Risou no Himo Seikatsu - Vol. 14 Ch. 57 - An Unbeatable Deal

    The youngsters there hate fax too. Just have to wait for the old fucks to die and replace the system.
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    I'm not a villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

    Isn't that exactly the point though? The point is that they only hated her because of her dark skin and stigma. So when her skin for lighter and people suddenly likes her (blessing too) it shows that they were retarded two faced asshole son of a bitches. Honestly I hate it when readers bring...
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    Ningyou no Asa

    Cute and wholesome.
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    A Story About Being Attacked by an Armed JK - Ch. 19

    PNG foods. What a delicacy.
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    Asahina-san no Bentou Tabetai - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    What's with the bento? Why is she embarrassed? It's just food...
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    Zaako Zako Zako Zako Sensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 17

    Nice analysis. I dount the author is thinking anything deeper about this though. I think this is just for fun.
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    Zaako Zako Zako Zako Sensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    I think that was assault. He got pinched.
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    Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Vol. 8 Ch. 50 - Master Smith (3)

    Ooh.. Interesting. So momonofu originally has no meaning? And only after that war did it recieved its meaning.
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    Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei - Ch. 19.3

    What the fuck... So that's why I was feeling that something is missing when I read the chapters where she appears...