thanks for the update!
im still waiting for something interesting to happen, i feel like they've really been dragging out the beginning exposition for a while now...
Boooooo was really hoping they were gonna show us that she can still be a big girl and win against the skinny bitch! Like what was the point of introducing a bigger female lead only to make her skinny so lame
i feel like they definitely could have split this up into multiple chapters. so much happened but not enough details about each event, feels super rushed. not going to continue reading seems like its going to be an annoying read.
with it being still really early in the manga i wish they would focus on like setting up the world, plot, characters, etc. instead of putting so much detail into these trials/cases.
claude please regain your memories already i cant take anthy's pain anymore & i also want to like jeanette but its making it increasingly difficult because she makes me so anxious about if she might replace anthy while claude doesnt have his memory of her
i dont think so because eddy said that they are able to cast the spell as long as they know the name. my theory is that selvess put a spell on filimina knowing that was eddy's lover and then fell in love with her thinking that her name was suzette which was why he was so...