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  1. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 140

    Good, Good, Good! Please continue pushing your weight around and building up MC's animosity towards you. Enjoy your arrogance while you still live, asshole.
  2. Gravewind

    The Demon King Who Lost His Job

    @djasindra OK? @hotgirlshi A wise man once said, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one. In my opinion, this is garbage. Of course, as sero_in_hiragana had mentioned above, that may simply be due to a horrible translator getting their hands on this. If someone actually did a good job...
  3. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 139

    An arrogant chad appears! And he's already jelly of MC. Good times to come. He he he.
  4. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 135

    What what what???
  5. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 130

    Rick Astley approves. As do I. LOL
  6. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 118

    I love his schemes. It's nice to see a character that's intelligent and cunning and can use his abilities so well. As far as the translations, I'm not a fan of them switching the words for certain things. Stratagem is a really clunky word for what they're trying to say.
  7. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 114

    I see she's the type that likes a strong, forceful man that will dominate her (and anyone else he feels like). Takes all kinds. And that's the kind of cuckery I can appreciate. Well played!
  8. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 113

    How's that public humiliation and shame feel, ya stuck up cunt? Care to keep playing the game?
  9. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 110

    My Cunt-That-Needs-To-Die senses are tingling something fierce.
  10. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 108

    Thank goodness he's not a weak knee'd MC that can't kill a woman just cuz she's pretty and groveling. Itadakimasu!
  11. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 107

    I like to watch! He he he... (Fap, fap, fap) Seriously, what is up with that last creepy old man face panel? Too funny!
  12. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 107

    Ha ha ha! It was a distraction! Take this! What level of retard announces their distraction as they try to surprise attack you while also announcing that they're surprise attacking you? Can't we move past these tired old tropes? Otherwise, very enjoyable chapter!
  13. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 2 Ch. 105

    I believe someone in this comments section was wondering a while back why he doesn't use his soul sucking ability like he did early on anymore. Well, sir / ma'am, your wish has been granted. Soul-sucking for everyone!
  14. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 1 Ch. 100 - End Of Season 1

    In other words, keep that ring on your finger, you little knucklehead.
  15. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 1 Ch. 99

    Learning, as you die, that you're killer only got strong enough to kill you because you forced them to become so is the ultimate fuck you. Awesome!
  16. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 1 Ch. 98

    Wah! Wah! It's all my fault! Holy fuck, if I have to hear that one more time I'm flipping some tables!
  17. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 1 Ch. 97

    Hahahaha. Love it! The taunting and picking off his crew here and there while they fight is so good. Exactly the pacing I was hoping for!
  18. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 1 Ch. 96

    Bad ass levels over 9000! Please dear Satan, don't let this weird shaped face, sea weed hair bastard die too fast. I want him to suffer a lot!
  19. Gravewind

    Demonic Emperor - Vol. 1 Ch. 93

    Can I just say that I'm really tired of this little idiot and her childish delusions? Constantly blaming herself for everything and trying to take responsibility for crap that she can't possibly do anything about. I get that she's very immature and naive so let me just have my rant.