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  1. Thrembs

    A Cute Guy - Ch. 26

    I read that as “pegged” and nearly did a spit take.
  2. Thrembs

    A Cute Guy - Ch. 26

    I don’t know why people act like Twitter is anything but a hotbed of transphobia literally run by a raging, homophobic transphobe. Weird dogwhistle. Especially since you’ll probably go rant about this on Twitter, like the other people who say the same thing. but yeah, he’s a guy. No evidence...
  3. Thrembs

    A Cute Guy - Ch. 26

    …I’m just gonna say this, then block you. Yuri is girls. Romance between girls, with a bunch of tropes layered onto it. Tropes which I am sick of, but they’re part of the genre. This is a heterosexual couple, because he’s a boy. This stinks of the “lesbian is an umbrella term” crap that is...
  4. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    No, there‘s a commandment. I think it’s in Numbera. “You shall not hate your brother in your heart.” Jews aren’t allowed to hate other Jews. Absolutely not speak poorly of each other. It’s really complicated. Judaism is more about how you live than what you believe. Believing in Gd involves...
  5. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    Conservation of mass.
  6. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    Yup. like everyone, I pick and choose or reinterpret stuff that i don’t like. A lot of branches of Judaism are really accepting of queerness. In Conservative Judaism misgendering and deadnaming are considered sins, because it violates basic human dignity. Same goes for homophobic behaviour...
  7. Thrembs

    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Vol. 8 Ch. 70

    The other has slightly more grammatical errors. That’s all. Nothing that gets in the way of understanding. Just declensions. only issue I had with either is one had Midou’s say that holding Hiura’s hand “feels wrong”, when it’s better as “different“. I don’t even remember who did it.
  8. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    I’m Jewish enough to have a bookshelf of stuff. Like 27 siddurim tryna find one that works for me I like Sefard or basic Orthodox, but can get down with Lev Shalem. Converted Conservative (wish it were Orthodox. There are queer-friendly Frum communities out there. If I hadn’t met my wife I’d be...
  9. Thrembs

    A Cute Guy - Ch. 26

    Butch (of any gender) and femboy is my current fav ship dynamic.
  10. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    Neat! Cool to know. Must be a community tradition thing that varies. It’s a thing among the large Somalian community in The Twin Cities.
  11. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    Well, in Judaism the beard and peyos thing is seen as a thing you do because the bible says not to do it. That’s all. Same with circumcision. There are various opinions as to what it’s about (one Jew, two opinions, so they say. I say “show up to the study session with 2 opinions, leave it with...
  12. Thrembs

    Otoyomegatari - Vol. 12 Ch. 86.5

    Hrmmm… I could be wrong, but I think beards in Islam are for married men. But I don’t think it’s forbidden to have one. Much like in traditional Judaism where women cover their hair after marriage. Jewish men and boys can NEVER shave. (The interpretation of “shave” varies based on community. I...
  13. Thrembs

    Until I Become Me - Vol. 4 Ch. 43

    A: Saying “there are worse things” doesn’t make a bad thing good. B: I said this didn’t bother me. It makes sense in the greater the context of the story, so that’s not relevant. I was commenting on “should make her 14”. 14 is still a child, so the statement was cringe. It implies that you think...
  14. Thrembs

    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Vol. 8 Ch. 70

    Uh, a few grammatical errors don’t really bother most people, so you’re not bringing much to the table, here. The level of salt here is gonna give me acute hypertension. People care too much about clout. I think Y’ALL are getting blocked 😒
  15. Thrembs

    Until I Become Me - Vol. 4 Ch. 43

    I’ve had people say “This is a bit inappropriate, but the target audience is teenagers, so I’m not mad. I just keep scrolling” about something like KanoKano, and people get mad. I said “this makes me cringe, but whatever”. (But then again, those same people would get mad when I pointed out that...
  16. Thrembs

    Until I Become Me - Vol. 4 Ch. 43

    …yeah. She’s 14. A child. I don’t have a big problem, especially considering the focus of the series. she seems less uncomfortable putting feminine clothing on over time, so the occasional example doesn’t seem unreasonable, if done tastefully. But she is a child, so it‘s a tightrope walk.
  17. Thrembs

    Until I Become Me - Vol. 4 Ch. 43

    What? No more (m) (f)? I’m not mad, but it does lose the nuance that’s already hard to understand for people who don’t understand the language. Linguistics are wild, wonderful and frustrating. I’m mostly frustrated that I will never learn as many as I want. Which is “all”.
  18. Thrembs

    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Vol. 8 Ch. 76

    Well, I saw F1nn5ter in a meme and thought “maybe I’m less gay than I thought”. Turns out, I just appreciate beauty in general. Dude is absurdly pretty. Not actually attractive to me, and his content is incredibly uninteresting, imo. ymmv. It’s funny that he lost a bet, and discovered that he...
  19. Thrembs

    Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Vol. 8 Ch. 76

    I think this was having a grammar mistakes.