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    Kujibiki Tokushou: Musou Harem-ken

    I'm never going to understand why some nerds are so obsessed with seeing nipples in their comics.
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    Hime no Dameshi

    Eh? Hime can cook though. The manga is more about her being lazy and her preference for comfort food.
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    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

    Transformers doesn't go so far pushing an agenda as to do something as ridiculous as imply that the press only covers the military exclusively to accuse them of wrongdoing. Because it's a light novel adaptation.
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    A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

    @d: IMO critique of this of genre doesn't even need to be that specific. It's just another battle school/magic school story. Before iesekai came into vogue it was a popular genre and this really isn't straying to far from the formula.
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    A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

    It's another magic school manhua. It's not terrible but it's really not all that original.
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    Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara

    That buttered rum recipe is nuts. A full stick of butter when you've only got one shot of rum and half a cup of water is going to taste pretty gross.
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    Ponkotsu ga Tensei Shitara Zongai Saikyou

    Was there really no other way to translate this guy's name lol? Sounds like something out of the Chapelle show.
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    The Reincarnated Weapon Shop Owner

    I mean sure, he's racist but he does touch on a valid point. The author clearly is trying to make a world with a European inspired setting but then he's got random characters using chinese swords, wearing asian clothing, wearing modern western clothing or fighting like something out of your...
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    Chihou Kishi Hans no Junan

    How is Harry Potter isekai?
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    Makikomarete Isekai Teni suru Yatsu wa, Taitei Cheat

    WTH is he moving out of the way here?
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    Mukuchi na Bakemono wa Yoru ni Naku

    The premise is so pretentious that it's possible that the writing is just that awkward.
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    Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka o Tamemasu

    So basically she should just give up on the shop and sell porn to nobles lol.
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    Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho?

    Which is saying something since Konosuba starts off pretty mean spirited.
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    Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!!

    Bwahahaha. More views than Komi-san already lol. Stay classy guys.
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    Asaoka High School Baseball Team Journal - Over Fence

    @Voisos And too few character designs lol.
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    Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu

    Just because the protagonist is a skeleton doesn't make it the same. Arc clearly has no intention of doing all the evil crap that Ains does.
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    Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki!

    @Wildfire_desu " Partialism is categorized as a fetishistic disorder in the DSM-5 of the American Psychiatric Association only if it causes significant psychosocial distress for the person or has detrimental effects on important areas of their life"...
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    GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

    This is written for right wing nationalistic 2ch nerds. FFS the idea of a portal to another world opening in Japan requires less suspension of disbelief than the way international relations are portrayed in this series. It's possible to enjoy it in spite of that but it's just stupid to act as...
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    Circle Zero's Otherworldly Hero Business

    Right off the bat the first problem he has to solve is how to get his new father to have sex with his mother (because apparently that's the only way she can become relevant). He might have changed into a woman but so far the plot is just justifying his beliefs. There's no such thing as...