Some small advice for typesetting:
1) Play around with leading a bit to get comfortable spacing between lines that let's whole sentences fit within a bubble.
2) Hyphenate longer words like the "Understand" on page 5 which has it's own bubble.
Cheers and keep up the good work.
Sorry, I don't think I can read this.
While the art is decent, the main character is way too fucking dumb for my tastes.
He thinks she's a ghost, against a fuck ton of evidence, then he forgets she's a ghost.
I'm starting to think the main character is a bit retarded.
>can smell her
>can touch her
>can be touched by her
>she can touch things
>she eats your fucking food
thats pretty sad
maxwell's demon, ignoring thermodynamics by being omniscient and being omnipotent. simple terms is that you can reverse entropy if you only let things that are hotter than the hot side go to the hot side.
laplace's demon, telling the future from a snapshot of now. if you...