Can someone tall me if she loves Theo os is just "ooownt, youre super cute, i want to be ypur mother/onee san!!"????? Cuz man, it is just what i see......
just, don waste your time, boring, not funny(for me at least), and there is no romance, the marriage is just a polictical marriage, if this was longer we could see the romance progress to somethi g real and not forced
don hear these stupid idiots below here, they just don know how to aprecciate a good romance with the eyes of a child(and it is cuz of that destructive critic that works get canceled, you want to criticize, good, but make a good critic and a constructive critic, otherwise just think twice and...
can someone tel me about the romance part? everyone just talks and talks and never stop talking about the story but no one talks about the romance, so, and the romance? does it develops?