Not only did they made her cry, it was so bad she used her real voice...
Just think about that, the mute character that had a truama about talking (at least from what is shown in her chapter) talked
the other team is fucked
@Isle_Cartographer Correct. Using the trajectory that usami was taking on the horse and the angle of the window Ogata calculated where usami would be right before he shoot him. And his calculations were spot on
I hate this type of shows for a single reson
But you know they won't get together until the end of the story, which could be in 100, 200 or even more chapters
@Happiste38 Nah, from the articles that I've read the real reason is because they are afraid a more advance sexual education would result in teens engaging in sex, leading to teenage pregnancy/ A disrupt of moral codes in schools and cities.
If anything the drop on population should be a waking...
@Greenfrost Sadly, it seems like that's a thing in real life. Japan has a really open sexual education when it comes to the human body (they even have a penis festival and a god for breast and good maternity) but when it comes to actual sex-ed and the use of preservatives, it seems like that is...
If you all remember, when great talked for the first time (in the comic, not the time line) to "master" many chapters ago, we got a small flash back of great being pinned againts the ground.
Now whe know who that was
@Thrembs I KNOW RIGHT?!!?!. when I read the first chapter I felt "this is odd... But I like it?" I don't knwo what is it but it workr for gay peopel and staright people alike for some reason... Not a complain tho