This is heartwarming and sad AF for me. I did judo when i was a kid, never got good, even when i did give it my all, and never got a cute GF that trained with me either, even when i really wanted it too.
Sigh... my dream of a martial artist GF... T_T
Wow, frigging finally. C O M M U N I C A T I O N A C H I E V E D
BTW, learning a language just by hearing it, doesn't really work no matter what other people tell you.
My mom has been living in some european country for like 20 years and she still cannot speak the official language even...
Great work with the translation, thanks a lot.
Also, i wish i had that kind of magic. If i didn't feel anything bad at work, my life would be infinitely better.
Also thanks with the translation. I'll rather fill all the missing chapters, but i'm happy as long as i can keep on reading.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the translation. It's good enough that i can't tell if something has not been translated properly nor anything.
I have enjoyed it a lot, i hope you can continue the series in the future.