I live with six cats and never had a cat come flying at me like that, but I laughed out loud and scared a few when I saw that panel. No injuries though unless we count the “how dare you!” looks from the cats I frightened by laughing like the nut job I am.
Eh, I don’t see the problem with this. He is honest with his intentions, so everyone involved knows before agreeing to date him on their designated days. Don’t like the arrangement, date someone else.
@thefreeair I’m a mom in her forties and I fully agree with you. Good to see someone in their twenties showing such good judgement and maturity. Excellent comment.
Awwwwh... I live with six rotten cats and not even one of them has ever turned into a sexy human-cat hybrid. I love these kinds of stories. Thank you for translating!
Okay this chapter is fine but due to the problem with the previous chapter I am a little lost. Last thing I saw was her with a moving van, but she is staying???