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  1. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 26 - I Cannot Speak (9/9)

    @blazing_boz that's a really cool interpretation, i didn't think of it that way
  2. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 24 - I Cannot Speak (7/9)

    bro hae soo just apologize as a person don't do this martyr shit
  3. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 23 - I Cannot Speak (6/9)

    i feel like i could forgive hae soo if he was just more openly ashamed of what he did. sure, he did 'what has to be done' as a revolutionary, but as a fellow human, he should feel bad and should apologize to soo ah at the very least. ffs.
  4. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 21 - I Cannot Speak (4/9)

    how is the mc annoying and weak? bro she's realistic, she's a maid who was ignorant of the world so far. she had the balls to try to go at hae soo with a scissor, that isn't weak lol.
  5. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 20 - I Cannot Speak (3/9)

    i can understand why they did what they did, but i can't empathize. i mean i'm reading this from soo ah's perspective, so from her perspective, these people hurt her. and i just want to protect her :'(
  6. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 19 - I Cannot Speak (2/9)

    i'm glad soo ah got her moment to display her anger.
  7. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 15 - Into Your World (1/3)

    yo is she planning to stab hae soo with that scissor? metal
  8. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 14 - Human Legs, and... (6/6)

    i'm rooting for you soo ah, fuck em up
  9. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 13 - Human Legs, and... (5/6)

    ok i feel horrible for not liking the young lady in earlier chapters. poor yoon hwa. this is so fucking well written though.
  10. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 10 - Human Legs, and... (2/6)

    teach her to read and write you jerks
  11. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 9 - Human Legs, and... (1/6)

    i know why hae soo did it but it fucking sucks and i hate him ugh
  12. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 6 - The Sea Witch's Kiss (1/3)

    poor soo ah. but i'm worried this note will get her in trouble.
  13. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 5 - With My Breath (3/3)

    fuck i know this one is going to hurt. she's gonna fall for him, but he'll fall for the rich girl. the characterizations so far are so realistic.
  14. crimony

    Gorae Byul - The Gyeongseong Mermaid - Ch. 4 - With My Breath (2/3)

    UGH stupid young lady, why can't you mind your own business