To be honest, when I expressed that I dislike, actually fucking hate this Alya bullshit, some people just fucking go and call me out being bullshit on that. What the fuck
the Author just gonna drag it even more bruh. Waiting for it probably like, few more years cause I don’t think the one who write this shit actually gonna get that to happen soon
How is this fucking manga so overrated ? It’s not that good to begin with anyway. The MC’s sister is a bitch, Alya kinda suck ass and the MC just, not that fun bruh just fucking not
To be fair, this manga I tried to read to read and it’s just, not good for me to be honest. It’s too ridiculous for me cause I always find myself in the position of awkward smiling at the manga pages.
This goddamnit manga is fucking painful read man it’s just a pain in the ass to deal with this kind of MC and the FMC. God I want to punch the FMC so much.