I'm sick of filtering myself. I'm least filtered when talking to my mom, but I end up acting rude and hurt her.
I kinda wanna go apeshit on the forums but I lack the balls (figuratively but also literally)
@Basic_human I agree with the batch release thing, it really kills the hype.
Outside Japan, all anime is legally available only on subscription services, no? Or bluray (unless they don't make blurays for ONAs)
Okay, there's no problem if you're translating yourself.
Sometimes scan groups restrict who can upload their chapters on Mangadex, and if you're not a part of them you can't upload their chapters.
Whenever I see the name Kira I think of JJBA but turns out they're actually talking about Death Note.
I guess if you're suffering from Death Note brainrot you can cure it by watching or reading JJBA
Putting aside your subjective opinion about how digital manga should look, MangaDex is an ad-free website managed by a few people in their free time. It's not gonna be perfect, it can't have infinite storage space.
Just deal with it- or upload your "perfect scans" to your own website.