@scripted Yeah... that does make me wonder how the hell that happened?
Then again... one of them also asked just what the hell they put in their mouths. Maybe it isn't food, but an actual slime that was fed sugar and syrup?
They called it a cursed sword... why do I have a feeling the only reason why that sword didn't kill someone else was because the guy with the 9,999 endurance was using it?
And probably the main reason why his outer shell got breached?
Okay... why is there what looks like a pump-action shotgun in the hands of one of the servants in the first page?
The hell is the current level of technology exactly?
@InsaneInsomniac Most likely. After all, he is the HERO. Obviously, he should be the one who shines the most, amirite? Fortunately, the hero is probably going to only prove he cannot be so grossly incandescent.
@Gambio The problem is that there seem to be a lot of connections between his empire and the one that came before it... they are calling it the Second Empire, and the first fell(at least implicated) was because Void managed to screw over Skull Knight and sacrifice his entire Kingdom to become a...
Never thought I would see that technical throwaway line about Kira ends up being a full-on backstory that especially makes his hatred for avatars even more personal... bravo.