Yah im done with this shit. I first i thought it was gonna ve about a girl wanting tp have some attention by whoring herself, but never having the courage to do so, then i thought she might actually hate guys, but now i get it. This shit is just gonna be a power fantasy where the author project...
You know, calling your guild master guild master is freaking cringy, its a Rper lv of cringiness, and of all the MMOs ive played ive never seen anyone calling the guild master that, so why is that in mangas of this type they always do it
I agree that so far she is better than the othet girl, but she is still dumb and a sad character. No fuy has ever been hood to her? For reals? What dafuq kid of like shes had
All the girls look so similar to each other, and there are so many that i already lost track of who is who, plus they have so little character...this guy recycle facea more then mashima xd
Puaj! Dont tell you cant see where this shit is going
Also, considering the other works of this author, if you are waiting for a fuck you are prolly gonna be blue balled till the last chapters, that or she is gonna get raped soon enough
Man that woman is juat fucking salty cuz her fairy tale didnt work out, and now she is trapped ina loveless relationship and taking it out on him...real fucking mature there lady
Also, fucking duh! What teenager wouldnt get a hard on if boobs are put in front of him and he feels them to booth...
I just hope the release the third game on this side of the world, i dont want to make a jap psn account just to buy it, mostly cuz i cant read Japanese
According to my brother, who read the novel, thia girl grow a shit ton stronger from here on, but still what a dumb character she looks right now
@koin those 3 died in some way or another, but the shield hero just got summoned, i dont think he died and thats part of the plot latter on