Pastebin translation of chapter 2 proofread by chinchiro_addict.
The plan was that Taikutsu TL was going to work on this manga, but seems like they're not doing it.
Because of personal/medical reasons I need to take a break from scanlation. I'll still translate teacher tits since I'm already on...
Welp, a new extreme case happened again.
Even more interesting is that the new one on the list was made two months ago.
There's also another very interesting point, but I think you all can figure out what that is.
I disagree, and I never use ratings to decide if I will read or watch something or not. Though neither do I for popularity I guess, that something is popular or not is also not a deciding factor if it's good or not. There's a lot of popular stuff that's outright trash, and there's even more...
Definitely. Just because someone doesn't like the story and setting, that doesn't mean it's bad. I think that about all ratings.
If you read something that's in a genre or with a tag you don't like, and you don't like it, you can't claim that it is bad.
The same case for this, if you don't like...
The next chapter is out November 1st, so it'll be a little while until we see what bed shenanigans are going to happen.
Though it's probably not that fun for Hiro, as they're probably going to do a concussion observation and wake him up every two hours, and not waking him up the good way.