@Owyn I think he was hinting at Japan's incredible streak of war crimes around WW I & II.
What's going on with the author tho ? I understand he's posted hate words on Twitter but what's going on ? Is he being publicly shamed or something ? Is he going to be prosecuted ? What happened ?
The drawing is insanely good, I love it !
Story seems to progress nicely even though MC's development is very slow so far ? Or maybe we'll learn more things soon that'll clear up some questions lying around.
Who the heck ever dared to rate this under 10 ?
This is beyond a masterpiece. Clearly, if you haven't read it, do it. If you already read it, read it again.
Awww, so sad it was discontinued... the last chapter even hints to something bigger, grander and more awesome.
That was a nice little read, I wonder why it got discontinued ?
@Sullieman it does look like Goblin Slayer lol. And @Kyujyu don't get me started about that magician outfit, I'm pretty sure even by the standards of this manga's era, it's beyond outrageous ?
Why the fuck do Japanese love these kind of impotent passive characters ?
There's a limit to how fucking passive you can be come on. It was entertaining but the uselessness of the MC's personality is getting on my nerves as I read, this isn't fun anymore when MC has god-like powers and let...
@Confused the problem is not "death" in itself. Many series went as far as killing a few main characters or even the MC, it all depends on how they handle it, how it's set up, etc.
Here we just went from "things are clearing up a bit, maybe we'll have time to expand on the story, background...
@Verbomancer I'm interested, what's 12 Kingdoms ? Got a link ? I couldn't find it.
@ZeeVee I had the exact same thoughts when the God's Echo told them they lost their attachment to the "seal", in particular this exact wording "attachment to the seal". Since they choose to let him go and roam...
It also was neither a command nor an order.
It asked him to do it as they believed him to be able to handle and care for her.
They also talked about rewarding him (swordsmanship and magic, which went "poof" with them apparently, last chapter he had a sword skill, coming from nowhere ? Maybe just...
The prologue is really... boring. It's so bad I actually wanted to drop this instantly but readings the comments, it looks like there's some fun to find in this, shit got saved by you guys.
Yeah, plot definitely became very awkward around the end @Filipe.
The beginning was much much more better. As you say, I'm hoping for "at least" an end.