Do you wish to see Last Week Tonight's video on sex education? It's funny and helpful, to an extent. The genderbent lead is saying they can't aim their urine stream with their penis (barrel) gone.
Some people haven't received sex ed yet, or they might have gotten...
Oregano is still being bitchy to Nymph, though Oregano is definitely both the medical team and medical theater.
On the one hand, it sucks that Hiyori got killed. On the other hand, yay for that abusive violent bitch Sohara getting erased!
Orc suicide bombers? That is just cruel and a waste of orcs. If you want to hurl explosives, just strap em to a big rock or something else sturdy enough.
That saint is such an ungrateful bitch. She killed a bunch of elves and failed to protect the town. She should be happy to still breathe.