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  1. owlette

    Freak Island

    gave me Lord of the Flies vibes
  2. owlette

    I Will Be Waiting for You in 1999 - Ch. 25 - A Son Returns

    well i had a feeling there was a good reason for why she had to leave him behind but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. she seems kinda unstable and desperate (understandably) and that'll probably cause some issues. also, i wonder what the deal with his father being a murderer is
  3. owlette

    Arte - Vol. 6 Ch. 27 - Catarina's Family

    he probably still cares for her but is trying to be considerate of their statuses
  4. owlette

    Arte - Vol. 6 Ch. 26 - The Nursemaid

    i honestly hope this whole arc with Catharina ends soon. i don't hate her but she is pretty annoying and i don't see why there's so many chapters dedicated to her story. i miss Leo :-(
  5. owlette

    The Makeup Remover - Ch. 12

    how would the competition even know for sure that they used one makeup product? also using one makeup product isn't difficult at all. especially if you choose eyeshadow. you can easily use it as lip color or anywhere else
  6. owlette

    The Makeup Remover - Ch. 11

    i honestly really like the pretty girl, she seems genuine and strong. i also like that she decided she'll do her own makeup
  7. owlette

    The Makeup Remover - Ch. 1

    i mean as long as you have decent features, anything is possible with makeup. sometimes plain is better because you have more to work with
  8. owlette

    Raise wa Tanin ga Ii - Vol. 3 Ch. 10.2 - She's a villainess, a woman that calls forth destruction. (Part 2 of 2)

    i wonder if this manga will try to throw in some twists in the romance department. so far, it seems pretty obvious that no one is competition for Kirishima, especially not Shouma. i don't really want them to end up together though
  9. owlette

    Raise wa Tanin ga Ii - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Love triangle from Hell (Part 1 of 2)

    i love this new character so much more than Kirishima but i know it's not happening
  10. owlette

    Fushigi no Kuni no Bird - Vol. 4 Ch. 15 - Itou's Memories

    finally it's back. love this manga
  11. owlette

    Suicide Boy - Vol. 1 Ch. 22 - Tabletop Quest 2

    fucking finally something works out
  12. owlette

    Watashi no Shounen - Vol. 5 Ch. 21 - Hole

    was nice to see the little back story
  13. owlette

    Watashi no Shounen - Vol. 5 Ch. 20 - Yellow and Blue

    the sister is annoying. is she really okay with her old ass sister going after a kid? jfc, so conflicted over this situation
  14. owlette

    The Friends-Eater Classroom - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - Game 15 - Diaphragm (Part 1)

    did that little girl really just bite a chunk out of a person's leg?.....aight
  15. owlette

    Suicide Boy - Vol. 1 Ch. 18 - Pizza Day

    i would have just eaten it anyways....but i'm also a filthy fuck
  16. owlette

    Not a Sugar Daddy - Ch. 21

    this is surprisingly realistic. i'm glad he didn't just accept it and forgive him like it's nothing
  17. owlette

    Suicide Boy - Vol. 1 Ch. 17 - Meeting of Three 2

    @gum_rummy "Discount Iida" has me rolling