I always thought of how sirin is a freaking d!ck the entire time but after the past 63 chaps, I can't help but feel that she deserves to be treated nicely for once, as a human being more than a lab rat...
it just dawned on me how Sirin is literally that one guy in-game that calls everyone noobs if they can't kill her, and when they can, she calls them hackers. lmao.
Theo with a BIG DING DONG, dayum boi.
On another note, they are literally 1 step away from turning this into a iaitneH. Wouldn't be surprised if a doujin came out portraying this exact same chapter, but it went in a different, more illicit route ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I can't help but think of a standoff between receptionist-chan (suzuhara lulu?) and helvi. If, by any miracle, the receptionist is who I think she is, it would be one hell of a fight.
You know I can't relate to how classes that focus on providing debuffs are looked down upon. They are, in fact, some of the most popular classes people tend to use in order to, say, deal massive-- and I mean massive amounts of damage. And with how the author is playing it as it is, it's bugging...
Kill him without hesitation? Something in my gut tells me that isn't going to be the case... that is if we get more interaction between the two and if they somehow end up in a deep relationship throughout their meetings. If she were to do it now, yeah no doubt.
Damn. I thought those things rumbling inside the boxes were bombs, but I didn't think that would actually be the case.
And there goes his chances of winning her over to his side, Anna's eyes are definitely out for blood.
It will take time, but for sure it will improve.
Just imagine when all 7 regions are released, each with their own weekly bosses. Do you think 160 resin is going to be enough? For sure they'll buff the amount and rate of which it regenerates.
For now, I find it satisfactory. To begin with, why...