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  1. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 14 Ch. 56

    @Kuuyu blonde girl isn't a whire, she joined dead tube because she thought it was an edgy video sharing website with pretty high prizes. If you've read the manga since she made an apparition, there's no moment where she does illegal stuff on her own volition, she's either forced to or does it...
  2. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 14 Ch. 56

    If this is like the end of the first season I'm happy this ended this way. Glad JM successfully engaged in his redemption, I'm glad the innocent slasher Rascal survived and found Hanae back, overall this felt like a satisfying ending for the first season. Everyone complains that the manga is...
  3. BaGamman

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san

    Isn't the title a reference to some Japanese urban legend ?
  4. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 6 Ch. 26 - The Beautiful And The Ugly

    Oh boy, re-reading things now makes kinda sense now.
  5. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 14 Ch. 55

    Also just wait for the moment it'll become clear Mai is the half sister of Tomohiko.
  6. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 14 Ch. 55

    Too short. I want to see that discussion Tomohiko will need to have with Mai afterwards.
  7. BaGamman

    WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! - Vol. 20 Ch. 185.5 - Special 10

    @Xspeed wait is this that obvious in real life I am actualy a 1.0000 year old legal loli japanese vampire with a pation for french gothic clothing that's skyrokcking to the point I occasionaly let some french slurs there and there to pretend I'm from the french noblety like a killing game...
  8. BaGamman

    Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~ - Vol. 14 Ch. 68 - White Mask - Part 1

    Yeah, how about no ? No matter how I look at it, the dude got no reason to return to a world without magic and rotten by a society bound by forced productivity.
  9. BaGamman

    WataMote: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! - Vol. 20 Ch. 185.5 - Special 10

    Ah, Japan finnest. They are inventing online sextoys, but most 18 years old girls don't have any idea of what a condom is.
  10. BaGamman

    Yumekui Merry

    It's both a relief and extremely sad these characters I've followed my whole teenage years had a proper serialisation ending. Once I'm gonna end this manga, I will seriously miss them. It's at time like these I hope in the afterlife every characters we've loved in games, books and manga would...
  11. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 13 Ch. 54

    I mean, you'd guess this was gonna be a twist like this since the earliest chapters. The killing games are mostly revolving around the protagonist, and Mashiro is a psycho that just happened to know about Tomohiko sexual arousment for pain and blood. I didn't think the Dad himself was involved...
  12. BaGamman

    One-Punch Man

    Yeah, and Shonen Jump just dig up its own grave with this one. Mangadex is but one of the many, many place where this manga has been released, it's as dump as trying to stop Naruto or Dragon Ball piracy at this point. I'm gonna boycott Shonen Jump manga from buying from now on, scanlation has...
  13. BaGamman

    Hatarakanai Futari - Vol. 13 Ch. 792 - Hurt Maruyama

    Arf, girls have no sense of fun, do they ?
  14. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube

    "There is no hope for the human race" - the manga.
  15. BaGamman

    DEAD Tube - Vol. 13 Ch. 53

    Nothing is sacred in this manga, that what makes it great. Also, coincidently I don't think IRL that much female V-tubers are actually guys. I have strong doubt about Project Melody, but Kizuna AI actress is definitively a woman. Crazy Rascal better lives tho.
  16. BaGamman

    Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! - Vol. 7 Ch. 57 - Jahy-sama and the Sleepover

    @Borderline Wait, isn't that the main bullet point of this manga ?
  17. BaGamman

    Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! - Vol. 7 Ch. 57 - Jahy-sama and the Sleepover

    Asperger demon girl getting proper dressing ? Now that is something, and I'm not even into lolicon.
  18. BaGamman

    Kaihin Shūgakuin no Shiroiharu

    The manga just got axed, just so you know.
  19. BaGamman

    Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Vol. 19 Ch. 184.2 - Since I'm Not Popular, School Begins (Part 2)

    Yeah, 18 years old girls and not even aware of what dicks look like. Japan.
  20. BaGamman

    Kagerou Daze

    @WeeBDestroyer We didn't give up on this, but we're still chained by external factors, even worst than what made us stop last year. I wish 2020 would go faster so that we'd be done with our loose ends and be back in translation already, especialy since we CAN translate the remaining ~15...