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    Jii-san To Baa-san Wakagaeru - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Damn all of you NTRfags, Damn you all.
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    Is it... Is it bad that I kinda want Saitama & Fubuki to be a thing?
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    I'm sad that the anime cut this. TBH, this is the reason I'm binging this rn.
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    Supermarket Girl is a Waifu in her own right.
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    Dragon Ball - DB Super EX (Doujinshi) - Vol. 5 - Awakened Mystery! The Mysterious Android!

    Nope, you're absolutely correct. DB is just one of those series where fans do it better majority of the times. This is just another example.
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    My Delightful Boyfriend - Ch. 9

    Here's your Tits on Christ everyone:
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    @FinalReality56 Kakalot has them all, they're the only one.
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    Dragon Ball Zero (Doujinshi)

    @MolaCola Not really, it's just Toriyama reuses a fuckton of his own designs a lot (A18 was a background chara in Go! Go! Ackman story from his Manga Theater). This was just somehow another time a design has been used. Also, sorry for the late comment, I've been slacking on mangas.
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    Uglyhood - Ch. 30 - Hey! Are you confident enough

    Man, Talk about an internship.
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    @saredesu I see, you're an undercover cop of culture as well.
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    The Ride-On King - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - The President And The Fae's Satchel

    @daywithoutgames Yeah that's the one
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    The Ride-On King - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - The President And The Fae's Satchel

    Slime Isekai & this actually has an official crossover. I even have the pic but IDK how to place it here.
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    The dub for the anime has just ended so I just came here to tell everyone (& remind myself) that read from CH.339
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    Its Shyarly* not Shirley. It's worse than before. What retard wrote this?
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    It's Big Mom* & Madam Shyarly* (or MerMommy, if you're cultured). Hell, this is my 1st time reading & even I know this. What type of Dyslexia was carried while writing or proofreading this?
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    There is an error in the page continuity here. The last page (20) should be after the "upstanding honesty" part (Page 8).
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    Am I the only one who read Sunday in a Southern Murican accent?
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    Your comment aged well.
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    The irony of the fact that 1 good squid boy from an alternate universe resolved the Octarian Conflict better than the OG universe of the game did is so jarring.