Seriously, I were Melissa I would be pissed at Nine too. But considering Nine's personality I kinda understand that he's worried
I hope Nine would realize this without getting even a single slap from Melissa 😅
And Yona is here!!!
It feels like I'm seeing two hosts from a bar 😂
Okay, theory time!
I think Milverton has no physical file for all of his blackmailing as it was only in his mind but Sherlock hasn't known this yet. And if this is according to the novel, I guess
@Rapp you want to read the novel?? I haven't found a good TL of the novel yet... All I got is the one with machine translation that made me goes 🤯 lol please do share if you found a good one
That Nora and Shuli portrait looks so holy and beautiful ❤️
I cried the moment Shuli asked why Nora were crying and then she said you are hurt 😭 only a lonely and hurt people could recognize the pain in the other's eyes 😭😭
Please, let this new life be a happy one for all of them