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  1. Kekitus

    Warikitta Kankei desukara - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

    @1idd0kun Aya x Haruka is the way, repent sinner. Even though she's just the side girl so she has absolutely no chance of winning, I still want to believe and cheer on this much healthier and cuter couple. Also short hair is the truth so.
  2. Kekitus

    Mimic Girl - Ch. 6.5 - Mimic Sleeping, Alternative Version and FANBOX

    @mommunism your point is about how annoying the ad is. My point isn't about this. Because most people didn't leave agregator websites solely because ads are annoying. Apart from intrusive pop-ups, most ads can be blocked with adblock (though you still get the "please desactivate your adblock"...
  3. Kekitus

    Warikitta Kankei desukara - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

    @liobi4 agreed. I really hope the author isn't going to try to justify what she's doing and give her a good ending with Aya. I really don't want them to end up together. It's completely different from the "cute student/teacher relationship without any physical contact until she graduates" that...
  4. Kekitus

    Mimic Girl - Ch. 6.5 - Mimic Sleeping, Alternative Version and FANBOX

    @mommunism sorry for the 1 month old reply but I also enjoy arguing against things that I disagree with. And I must say that calling this chapter an "ad" like you did to prove your point that MangaDex is just as bad as agregators is a massive stretch. When people criticize agregators and their...
  5. Kekitus

    Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 80

    @yuunase I agree. The number of series I've seen dropped because some random translator kept sniping the group that has been in charge of the series from the beginning is quite high. Working on a series is a lot of work after all. The other problem is that there is honestly a shitload of...
  6. Kekitus

    The Story of a Waitress and Her Customer - Ch. 10

    I would understand their reaction if they were 12 years old, but they are both adults. It can be cute for the first chapters, but I agree that this is becoming kind of annoying.
  7. Kekitus

    Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 80

    Thanks for the translation NASS. I read the other one at first, thinking it was yours and... yeah, this one makes much more sense. I didn't get why when Asterias sided with the woman Lippe said "he's calling her rude" in the other translation. And this whole part felt really confuse. In this...
  8. Kekitus

    She Is Also Cute Today - Ch. 23

    All of them, but 1 is probably the worst. I still remember the day I took a statistics exam without my calculator, as well as the day I took a civil law exam without my civil code. Pure hell.
  9. Kekitus

    A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, but It's Scary so I Find a Yandere Girl to Kill Me, but After 100 days, I Somehow Got ○○

    Tfw your manga isn't making enough views so you drop it to create the exact same manga but with a format that is currently trending with the expectation that maybe you will be able to trend too. That's quite... Sad (and pathetic) tbh. I was actually reading the original one. I wasn't a huge...
  10. Kekitus

    The Onee-san Who Just Wanted To Say - Ch. 14

    @jokerxhisoka that's actually what I like about seinen romance, and especially with this work. It's not the teenage love where everyone ends up happy, where tsunderes are just for comedy and where passive people still end up in a relationship. Here, there will always be someone who will end up...
  11. Kekitus

    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 61

    I understand you Leslie. Your mother is so goddamn beautiful, it's hard having her as a role model. When she came down the stairs my jaw dropped and I actually thought "as expected, she's still the hottest character of the manhwa". Do your best Leslie !
  12. Kekitus

    The Story of an Otaku and a Gyaru Falling in Love - Ch. 1 - Affection Level: Kinjo 0.03%

    @Pandawanka I mean, the first attempt was a stupid way to try to ride on Croc-kun's trend. The author had no idea where it would go and how it would end. Croc-kun was a slice of life and a 4koma, so it was easy to make one chapter each day, you could just talk about whatever. On the other...
  13. Kekitus

    The Evil Sorceress Plans to Survive! - Ch. 11

    The FL : "Astrology? Who would believe this? That's probably a scammer." Random scammer: "You're unique miss" Also the FL : "OMG, he said the word 'unique'...! COULD IT BE THAT HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FACT THAT I WAS ISEKAI'D AND THAT I'M ACTUALLY 20 YEARS OLD?" And that's just one...
  14. Kekitus

    Lily Marble - Ch. 33

  15. Kekitus

    A Mild Noble's Vacation Suggestion - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    When the bromance is so strong that the author and the translating team need to put a "no homo" disclaimer
  16. Kekitus

    The Twin Siblings' New Life - Ch. 6

    @Silailo I hope as well. But I wouldn't expect too much. Most of the times it's just an easy explanation as to why the kid MC is slightly more intelligent than your regular kid. It's an easy, overused and convenient way to allow the author to give more depth to a child character.
  17. Kekitus

    Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Long Range Arousal Transmission

    @Jmann finally someone understands. Whenever I read complaining comments on this website I feel like half of the time people don't take the time to think how things are from the character's perspective. Sure from our perspective as readers we can see that the girl isn't trying to frame him...
  18. Kekitus

    Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 2 Ch. 75

    @kidyoudontknow it's because
  19. Kekitus

    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 60 - Season 1 finale

    @yukinomi yeah, I agree. The author probably wanted to use the time skip as a teaser. Like "this is what's going to be in the next season so please read it". But instead it does feel a bit weird.