I just realized
The OG red is legit dead or maybe the OG red has been dead even before the series started even without his transformation and divine tool that gives him all the power he has he is still showing super human strength.
Red has always and has been a clone from the start modified...
So basically the chosen one are the real dragon keepers protecting the world in secret then came in this guy killing the and using them to create super sentai IRL.
High chance it got destroyed already or at least in possession by the elf trying to use it again to go to earth.
The thing is he could have later fused it with the flame dragon and god's energy + some other stuff so yeah
yeah I agree like story wise what's the point I thought the point is the job switch the knight becomes the assassin and she becomes a knight and they meet again and fall in love or something.
so what's the point is she is still an assassin just richer.
I doubt it's the author as the story has already been written as a light novel most of this is most likely because of the artist who ends up drawing the story.