The Duke's answer kind of makes sense. If she's truly interested in HIM as a husband/man, she wouldn't compare father and son. Her feelings would be different as one doesn't love her son the same way she loves her husband.
Aaaaah, I wanna Hari accept his request! He's so cute! And they would look super cute together! Plus, that would really put Eugene to think what Hari means to him.
Melissa is a godess!! XD kkkk Does she want to kill her brother for real?? That sure would end her problem with him. kkk But I think this is a bit overreacting.
It's becoming clear Mielle was never that smart at all. It has always been her maid who came up with the plans. She just got lucky that previous Aria was ignorant, but now Aria is studying and using her knowlege from both lives she's a force to be feared. While Mielle is just a stupid and...
I can't wait to see Ibee's triunphant return! She was chased out by the servants but now she will be back holding Alejandro's hand as the future duchess and lady of the house! I can't wait to see how this will work and what will the imperial family do when they discover about her, speacially the...
@CrystalCleartail But Serenia is Kylus and the prince's master. Who will train them the best besides her? She's almost like a godess of sword fighting!