The boss fight of this scale with this many characters couldn't happen without heroic deaths. Otherwise the author would have to turn bloodthirsty demons into some sport fencers or something)
A person with a poor understanding of anatomy has no business drawing gore as a professional. A person who really wants to draw gore and sexual violence should be more careful about the means they are publishing their work. Editors of such work should try to understand beforehand what...
If a person cares about their hobby more than about getting money to provide for their sickly family members, it's not a sure example to follow. Dunno how it's done in your neighborhood, but where I live, people with real issues try to find real jobs. It's a logical advice and...
Why the hell should the tombstone be for someone who died after the Duke was cursed? He recognizes the spot, so it was already there. Just a normal tombstone in the garden.