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  1. masato05


    It was translated from 4chan, but The guy on 4chan that passed these panels said to not post it on mangadex Because there is too much lost in translation from JP->KR and then it got translated again from KR to ENG
  2. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @KebabRemover but not cleaning, typesetting and other work besides translating
  3. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    it got deleted because it's english speedscan from korean scan in discord and someone who made it stated "Do not post scanlation content from this channel to public sites such as Mangadex"
  4. masato05


    someone stole speedscan from korean scan in discord and uploaded it :LOL Karmahunter
  5. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 13 Ch. 106 - The Last Festival - Miku’s Side ②

    @serveral in 2 days, from page 6 it's 3rd day
  6. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 12 Ch. 104 - The Last Festival - Nino’s Side ②

    @SamsonF9 Someone in reddit made this only ch 99-103
  7. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @Leinyl that's early leak from ch that's will come out May 7th or 8th in Shounen Magazine
  8. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @dreadvirus golden week (japan holiday) unless we get early proper japanese raw which shall come out May 7th or 8th
  9. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @bradek not from usual /a/non version
  10. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @ABCsOfLife One of theJapanese famous novelist Natsume Soseki once taught his students that the correct Japanese translation for “I love you” is “The moon is beautiful " . What he meant was that to express within the Japanese cultural framework the same emotion expressed in English by “I love...
  11. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    vol 9 cover
  12. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @du5k you know that in here we can't post spoiler right? and i think you already know the rules in here
  13. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    i think the problem in here are mostly the watermarks and probably low quality image not the translation itself
  14. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 9 Ch. 70 - The Responsibilities of the Class Representative

    wait in page 18 it should "But I understand, I get a little jealous too" right? not "But I understand, how you would feel a little jealous" it's not make sense with next panel and the jap raw is itsuki said "でも少し妬けてしまうのもわかります" and then Miku look at her then Itsuki said "友達としてでしょう!" = "As a friend!"
  15. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome

    @du5k Jap Raw is from real time magazine relase that is today and korean raw is from backdoor like shounen jump (OP, BNHA, Haikyuu, BC, etc) why it's released friday when the real release is Monday (3 days later) if you ask why the scanlation don't use korean raw or ask someone from backdoor...
  16. masato05

    5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 9 Ch. 69 - Welcome to Class 3-1

    @DANDAN_THE_DANDAN well most series end in high school (except "Kimi no Iru Machi" as far as I know, I don't know the others), but who knows about this series because there are still many possibilities. Most popular romance manga end with 200s ch or 22s Volume