Thanks for translating but I already cant stand this 0815 beta mc
Gotta read it though, seems like I transformed into a masochist by reading so much trash lol
Fuck no, why are these people from japan and s-korea not able to write romance stories without cheating/ntr/drama and all that bs
Art has also tanked in quality, the faces especially :/
The art looks so horrible in comparison to the first 10 chapters, especially the eyes of the main girl are twice as big and goofy looking lol
Glad Ive only read it until Ch. 40
type and replace NUMBER with the actual numbers i've posted and let yourself be enlightened bröthër
I hope posting the actual site doesnt get me banned lol (pls)
I get what you mean but atleast its not some depraved borderline ecchi story or even worse: 200+ chapters of slice of life romcom with a dense mc and 0 progress lol
not exactly the same artstyle but almost the same uhm..."vibe" more or less but its good shit
240330, 151017, 274917, 196238, 211112, 209105, 229636, 257825
Ahhhhh I thought it would take much longer until its revealed and there are no other chapters translated yet, its killing meeeeeeee
Thanks for translating this series, didnt think I would like it so much