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  1. K

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 35

    AAAAAAA YES OH MY GOD It's so painful that this is a cliff hanger but thank you so much for the chapter update aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  2. K

    The Emperor's Court Lady Is Wanted as a Bride - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    aaaaaaaaaa god dammit this misunderstanding is p AIN. Thanks for the chapter update I really love this series! can't wait for the next one!
  3. K

    My Fiancé is in Love with My Little Sister - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    aaaaa jesus christ this is so sad. Thank you guys so much for the updates I can't wait to see what comes next aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. K

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 34

    AAAAAAAAAAA YES I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERRRRRR thank you so much for your translations!
  5. K

    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 49

  6. K


    aaaaaaaaa thank you for picking this up!!!
  7. K

    Hello, I Am a Witch, and My Crush Wants Me to Make a Love Potion! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    awww that was cute. thanks for the chapters cant wait for the next one!
  8. K

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 32

  9. K

    Shadow Queen - Ch. 24

    @Moonbinisabby right but what I mean is how did she know it was the scar. Did I miss a panel or something or was it just not shown at all?
  10. K

    The Story of the Hated Mule - Ch. 11

    Thanks as always for the updates! Sorry to hear about the people complaining when you guys are putting in so much work to bring this series to us >.>
  11. K

    The Careful Empress - Ch. 21

    Oh the glorious irony. The decision he made on a whim, by treating human lives as nothing of value, has cursed him to live on, unable to die just when he thought he was at the light at the end of the tunnel. I STG if he ends up as the male lead I am going to explode lmao
  12. K

    The Daughter of the Albert House Wishes for Ruin - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    That chapter was weird as F. 1. Why did this condemnation event happen to begin with. Do we just chalk it up to it being a "fated event" that always happens because there was basically no logic in the accusation even when the victim claimed otherwise 2. Why did the accusers get off so easily...
  13. K


    For a MT this is actually pretty impressive! thanks for this I really loved this comic so just being able to see the story by any means is fantastic!
  14. K

    The Villainous Violet - Ch. 15

    gotta say though I feel a bit bad for the prince since she turned out to be the one who cheated first
  15. K

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

    And at that moment, she knew she was madly in love
  16. K

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

    qq poor jin is going to have his sweet heart broken T,T
  17. K

    Jimi de Medatanai Watashi wa, Kyou de Owari ni shimasu. - Ch. 10

    aaaaaaa I wanna see the next chapterrrrrrr thank you guys for the updates!
  18. K

    This Girl Is a Little Wild

    Le sighhhhhhh when will we hear word of season 2 my life is P A I N