ha! you think mangadex gives a crap about its readers? 😂 it gonna remove all your mangas from here from the first DMCA without even checking whenever it's valid or legal
While the plot being that he can manipulate people into needed timeline and events - it totally doesn't feel so, all his attempts at 'manipulations' are rather bland and on the surface bad...
I guess they're right to say that author can't create characters smarter than himself
e.g. he tries to...
is he worthy tho? he's a fraud, all his "good" points are due to magical correction system, he himself could neither even care for his body or pay enough attention to master anything or enough courage to even try
> right leg in 5 sec
ok so what if... enemy changes his mind in the last second? 😂
is this power only useful against non-brain npc monsters with pattern attacks? 🤣
> his ear
since tree water can't heal limbs back does that mean he has a spirit ear now too? 👻
a bit too easy on all that magic,
and since we got teased by her Nurgle's blessing, it's a bit saddening we don't see her use it just yet, but I guess she can enchant a stone that way and throw it into a well as well 👹