The question remains though if she didn’t poison all these people in the past, which I don’t believe she did, who, in fact, is poisoning all these women and children?
The crown prince did all this just so her father would become busy and she would visit her father everyday so in turn she could visit the crown prince?!
This guy is on another level 😂
Thanks for the update ^^
@peweepurr I looked back at last chapter because I was confused too. When he tells her to wait in last chapter she actually does so when he tells her he’s lying about not liking her she hears him in last chapter and that’s where this chapter picks up at.
I wish she could open her heart, but I...
This may be a plot point in Chinese dramas, but in real life when this happens often the parents are interested in at least knowing their biological child if not reclaiming them if the child is still a minor.
“Blood is thicker than water” as they say.
Thanks for the update ^^
Thank you for the update ^^
Every chapter of this gives me more questions though. 🤔 So they were invaded? But they won...but the emperor died in that loud boom?
I guess I was the only one who found this weird and out of place?
This is such a fluffy story and to give him some super tragic backstory just didn’t fit for me.