I dont know why the"I Iike the manager after she rejected me vibe" annoys me but it does! And this girl saying she likes him annoys me more because I dont think its real ! And hes so gullible . Now Ill get to see his gullibility live...
I found the "anime" but its just short episodes that are like 4-5 minutes long with no Iseei ( we the viewers are Issei) so it seems sow weird, hella disappointed. 😟
What a surprisingly chill manga. Theres little thank yous here and there, pat on the shoulder from the soldier, no ones making some big deal making the MC seem powerful. I likr this I have hope for the future of this manga.
Lol bruh. Tell me how the MC never thought to heat up what was restraining him before he snapped? Makes no sense.
Whatever bring on the next two chapters.