@smape @anoman I felt like the story overall is great it gives you chill and gives emotion but what happens towards the end i don't know.. felt kinda rushed but at least they met each other again.
@mismarca what do you mean lol... that's even worse, i'd take the other curse than diarrhea 😅
@MilkDust you should be saying " i can't believe this it's not hentai"
for anyone that doesn't know this has already been done by an original dedicated group which had to remove it ... why do we need to do it again ? i don't get. I don't want to be rude but this group is wasting their time on this project when they can see it other sites... but it's not to say they...
wait you do know that this chapter has been done already by an a original group but was needed to be remove cuz the company of the manga saw them and told them to stop and was forced to remove them from both managdex and thier oen website ... if you're not doing this intentionally i don't think...
for anyone reading any of their mangas, manhwa and other project plz support this dedicated and heartwarming people by giving them a shout out or if that seems to tiring join their discord( you won't regret it)
love you peopleeeeee😘
I'm going to say this before anyone else " still a better love story than twilight"
[spoiler]for any that don't get that reference you can look it up online. and if you do get it you deserve a senior discount
@RonBWL ahh I see can you message me when you guys are able to finish the series ( if you will remember) cuz i really hope to see this amazing manga to the end
I'm just going to leave this here for anyone that is intrested in fluffy rom com