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  1. chrinocore

    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 13 Ch. 124 - Sunset

    boy's abyss, more like reader's abyss.
  2. chrinocore

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Ch. 390 - Kawai-san 2

    Thank you for the chapters, perfect as usual.
  3. chrinocore

    Blue Lock - Ch. 205 - MOTM

    redemption incoming??
  4. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 32 Ch. 285 - Greatest Challenger

    if this was the last exchange determining the winner then mashiba won cuz of his greater reach his punch will reach earlier than kimura. I really hope kimura does win tho.
  5. chrinocore

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 10 Ch. 77 - The Ex and the Rental 4

  6. chrinocore

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 9 Ch. 75 - The Ex and the Rental 1

    at this point i just see ruka blindly shouting at a trash can.
  7. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 25 Ch. 221 - We Can't Turn Back

    one of the coolest backstories
  8. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 22 Ch. 195 - Returning Rival

    what adrenaline filling match, as much as ippo did ,Date deserved the belt too.They both made sacrifices.
  9. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 21 Ch. 184 - Conversation of Fists

    although i know the outcome, the match still gives goosebumos.
  10. chrinocore

    Giri-Giri Saegiru Katagirisan - Vol. 3 Ch. 40.5 - Extras

    i..... just dont know what to say, its like ooki is a existence that should have never come into being.
  11. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 13 Ch. 106 - Second Out

    fucking hell, what an end, he fought while he was unconscious almost gives bucciareti vibes.
  12. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 12 Ch. 105 - Complete Breakdown

    at this point even im rooting for sendou.
  13. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 8 Ch. 63 - Is This a Seed Mix Up?

    i mean, cant quite put my finger on it but the fight was weird.
  14. chrinocore

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - The First Taste of Victory

    little things like this is what makes us medium men proud.