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  1. Ichaivalrose

    Haikei, Seken-sama. - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Selfish

    man reading manga like this makes me so upset that we dont have a general lgbt tag or a trans tag , only a crossdressing tag sucks
  2. Ichaivalrose

    Haikei, Seken-sama. - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Selfish

    tbh reading it just made me sad the fact that a kid his age just figuring out his identity has to go to such lengths to defend his existence makes me wanna puke he was reading books about this shit YESTERDAY man , its so hard to see
  3. Ichaivalrose

    Haikei, Seken-sama. - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Selfish

    You're not my type Vine boom
  4. Ichaivalrose

    Onee-sama to Watashi - Ojou-sama ga Isekai Tensei - Vol. 4 Ch. 12

    The splinters in her eye on page 28/9 are so FUCKING cool chat I keep going thru and finding more and more cool shit god I love this manga
  5. Ichaivalrose

    Onee-sama to Watashi - Ojou-sama ga Isekai Tensei - Vol. 4 Ch. 12

    Also hehe Carla and hinako are matching now
  6. Ichaivalrose

    Zenbu Kimi no Sei - Vol. 5 Ch. 27 - Case.27

    This chapter was so fucking cute oh my god they are so fucking stupid I love them so much Thank you for bringing us the goofy gays 🫡 this has quickly become one of my favs
  7. Ichaivalrose

    Onee-sama to Watashi - Ojou-sama ga Isekai Tensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 11.5 - Extra Chapter

    i was so worried this was gna be done after the hinkao junko fight and i am so glad that this set up for more ty for tl!!
  8. Ichaivalrose

    Haikei, Seken-sama. - Vol. 2 Ch. 19 - It Won't Stop

    this is so fucking brutal man :[ hard to read
  9. Ichaivalrose

    Rain's Head - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

  10. Ichaivalrose

    Tabimiman - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

  11. Ichaivalrose

    Onee-sama to Watashi - Ojou-sama ga Isekai Tensei - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

    Favorite action scene in anything I've read :'] it's so cool
  12. Ichaivalrose

    Haikei, Seken-sama. - Vol. 2 Ch. 17 - Encounter With Ignorance

    Did she hear rumors of him being gay and is gonna try and throw him in a psychiatric hospital for it now? Jesus
  13. Ichaivalrose

    Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat the Demon Lord? - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - Budding Disaster

    Borderline is what we're going with flum? Borderline?
  14. Ichaivalrose

    Prison! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Yeah ur right about the prisoners being presented non-judgmentally for sure, I hadn't considered that , the marijuana thing makes sense too (with a bit of japans insane anti-weed culture) I will continue reading w interest I suppose
  15. Ichaivalrose

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Vol. 2 Ch. 53 - What Happens When an Introvert Sits Next to a Gyaru

    there is nothing better than being the koga-san in these kinds of scenarios tbh
  16. Ichaivalrose

    Prison! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    trying to give them the benefit of the doubt but yeahhhhhhh