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  1. Ichaivalrose

    My Sisters Love Me! - Ch. 2 - Suzuka

    Ohhh I think I'm rooting for her (or poly end lol) , having someone that finally sees you for who you are rather than the mold you try to fit is the best feeling ever
  2. Ichaivalrose

    Kiraware Majo Reijou to Dansou Ouji no Kon'yaku - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Cross-Dressing Princess's Secret

    A bit heavy handed perhaps but cute nonetheless Ty for tl!
  3. Ichaivalrose

    Housewife X JK - Ch. 19

    this thought entered my mind after talking to a maplestory guildie about muromaki. what do we think chatroom
  4. Ichaivalrose

    Housewife X JK - Ch. 19

    I think it's what makes the manga tbh she's very dumb in a very endearing way
  5. Ichaivalrose

    she is beautiful - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - #KurumiOut

    my brain is telling me the body sayaka has is the real hikari and the one thats a famous pop star is an imposter (sus) just a gut feeling though, dont think it was really hinted at too heavily yet
  6. Ichaivalrose

    The Pension Life Vampire - Ch. 10 - TH NIGHT MERMAID AND THE TOWN 2

    CONVENIENT PLOT FIRE GO at least they were, kinda self aware about it , sorta ,
  7. Ichaivalrose

    she is beautiful - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - #KurumiOut

    wow the setting just got 1000x more horrifying and awesome i love it ty for tl
  8. Ichaivalrose

    Sensory Sharing Maid-san! - Ch. 9

    i did a fucking spit take when i saw her character design oh my god ROFLLL ty for tl
  9. Ichaivalrose

    I Wanna Spoil Yoroizuka-san! - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    WE ARE SO FUCKING BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK pakky is cracking me up, ty for tl
  10. Ichaivalrose

    Toaru Kagaku no Mental Out - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    never occured to me that people dont like, know shokuhou is the one who killed kihara gensei (or even that he reappeared and is dead??) cool worldbuilding for someone who refuses to read index lol
  11. Ichaivalrose

    The Princess of Sylph - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.5 - Volume 1 Extras

    super hella giga copped a copy , really hope this one continues for years and decades and centuries to come bc man it is the cutest shit in the universe
  12. Ichaivalrose

    The Princess of Sylph - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.5 - Volume 1 Extras

    If this ever gets cancelled I will KILL
  13. Ichaivalrose

    Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru - Vol. 7 Ch. 66 - Dead & Alive

    Points The scifi adjacent manga has mentioned Schrodinger's cat
  14. Ichaivalrose

    Azadarake no Classmate ga Shinpai - Ch. 23

    Hehe they are cute
  15. Ichaivalrose

    Yuwakashi Yuusha no Fukushuutan - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

    i think not telling the boss makes sense, he REALLY erspects kain (theyve super drilled that into us by now) and she didnt have any proof , at the end of the day shes new to the resistance
  16. Ichaivalrose

    Yuwakashi Yuusha no Fukushuutan - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

    theyre so right kyrie IS adorable in that fit6
  17. Ichaivalrose

    [Oshi no Ko] - Ch. 122 - SENSEI

    it happened holy fuckings hit holy fucking shit holly fucking shit holy fucking shit u guys feel me
  18. Ichaivalrose

    Tokyo Neon Scandal - Vol. 5 Ch. 49 - The Clean Tokyo Party 21

    this manga is so dumb and bad but i love it honestly LMFAOO