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  1. Airwave2k2

    Minamoto-kun Monogatari - Vol. 16 Ch. 355

    Well played author-san. well played. Is this in the original tail too?
  2. Airwave2k2

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Mocked - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Those cheeks of prez. And the casual throw of the can. Watch and learn middle schoolers.
  3. Airwave2k2

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Mocked - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    That escalated quickly.
  4. Airwave2k2

    Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - Fish

    @Richman Implying humans have the same conscious as fish and therefore in their own world they don't see how constricted they are. What. The fishtank is a metaphor. But it ain't include that you have the traits of the inhabitants. - I think the concept is well explained with it. And why daddy is...
  5. Airwave2k2


    @panzerkaizer I thought the same. But then again the development of his craftman ship does correlate with their pda. So don't skip steps or he won't become a true master I guess.
  6. Airwave2k2

    Kawaii Joushi wo Komarasetai - Vol. 4 Ch. 45

    "She confessed" -> "I turned her down" "WhY dIdN'T yoU GiVE hEr aN AnSWeR?" Likewise. Something seems of about the translation. I hope. Otherwise boss reached new level of stupid.
  7. Airwave2k2

    Hokkaido Gals are Super Adorable! - Vol. 4 Ch. 28

    Well the art has improved. Dunno this is the first chapter she looks okay. And Tsubasas hair style is thumbs up. Besides the interesting proportion things that tuned down also I guess this is becoming quite well.
  8. Airwave2k2

    By Spring - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - I don't need money

    @WhisCalifa69 All are living a facade. But that is not the point. The Japanese still have their Omiai, but are for the most part liberal enough to also accept love interests today. Also as much as it is hated to interfere in the coupling as parents; it isn't looked down on in Japan. And since...
  9. Airwave2k2

    By Spring - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - I don't need money

    @WhisCalifa69 "If you aren't into researching of japan's darkest sides of their society, you will assume this is overexaggerating drama, but shit like the things happening to Souta's family in this manga happen a lot. Only that mainstream media, shonen manga and government as well hide these...
  10. Airwave2k2

    By Spring - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - I don't need money

    This dude. A 10.000¥ note without a trace to the owner. Well the police-men will take care of it for sure. Can't facepalm anymore about him. Well the cracker cracked. Feels bad man Haru. Lolz. Everytime reading this I take a deep breath before. And then you just think truck-kun can't come...
  11. Airwave2k2

    That's Puberty For You ❤ - Oneshot

    busted 101 Getting told not having locked your phone: And she was in the school wifi. Admin look .... priceless.
  12. Airwave2k2

    Yankee JK KuzuHana-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Midnight Heart to Heart(?)

    Refreshing realization. This is progressing to fast.
  13. Airwave2k2

    YJK no Ijou na Aijou - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - YJK's Observation

    Well. The baiting is strong with this one. Hope author-san pulls a good chapter out of his ass, when he make her realize that the fake relationship is more than it meant to be.
  14. Airwave2k2

    Koishikawa-san Is a Carnivore - Vol. 2 Ch. 18 - I'm sure she would feel lonely

    @vicdavel Well @page 4 the 3rd panel the diversity in fonts help since the author wasn't putting the effort in to make it clear at first glance who speaks. So for what it is worth it also has its benefits. Btw. If you wanna stay with the font gimmick Yokino is rather "cool", reserved and bit of...
  15. Airwave2k2

    Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii

    Why is there no 11+/10 choice... Obviously many down vote 1/10 don't wanna see that shit. But damn it is for sure interesting to see what happens, when you finally jump over the initial throw up - what is even going on - barrier. And the development is quite surprising beyond a one dimensional...
  16. Airwave2k2

    Schäferhund - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

    Nice a new chapter. Also interesting to see you finally going for Zeiss as name. And reworked all the older chapters. That sure was some effort to type-set.
  17. Airwave2k2

    Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - + Volume 2 Extras

    The cat is out of the bag ... hmmm. This is such a good manga. And the art is pretty sweet.
  18. Airwave2k2

    The Story of an Otaku and a Gyaru Falling in Love - Ch. 10 - Affection Level: 7%

    Clever dude. Bringing the the big bag of mangas to carry it all the way into her home ... LULZ