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  1. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 116 - Chapter 116

  2. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 112 - Chapter 112

    awesome fight. Kicking myself cuz I can't remember hot union guy's name. I am so bad at names 😭
  3. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 112 - Chapter 112

  4. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 106 - Chapter 106

    OMGGGGGG Kaiden is my spirit animal πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Dude Dude Dude Dude Dude!!!!!
  5. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 103 - Chapter 103

    Jisuk and subin are such little shits πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† the little hellions want to be friends, good luck iseul, it's how they show they like you πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† P.s. I can't help shipping Jisuk and subin together even though they'd be catastrophic
  6. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 100 - Chapter 100

    LMFAO Jisuk no one believes you πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  7. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 99 - Chapter 99

    😭damnit, he made me super sad for nothing
  8. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 98 - Chapter 98

    Kaiden has a Frankenstein streak πŸ˜† I love it so much
  9. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 97 - Chapter 97

    NOOOOO don't cry Jiwooo I cantttt handle itttt I NEED TO HUG SOMETHING RIGHT NOW! they are so fucking cute
  10. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 96 - Chapter 96

    Oh fuuuuuuuuck, fricken cool as hell but there is gonna be soooooo much explaining to do πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  11. ShadowLamb

    Eleceed - Ch. 93 - Chapter 93

    Lmaoooo yesssssss Mr. Kaiden, teach him the power of cats πŸ’•πŸˆ
  12. ShadowLamb

    A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom - Ch. 13

    Lmao, a wild Gary has appeared πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  13. ShadowLamb

    A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom - Ch. 12

    Ooooh Daniel's sharp. I think Iris has a love/hate thing for Leon was it? Since her fight with him when he ran into Mil.
  14. ShadowLamb

    A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    Lmao, omg I love her so much. Unwanted touching? Break their F**** leg πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  15. ShadowLamb


    Lmaoooooo EVERYONE comes to the conclusion this guy's gay πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  16. ShadowLamb

    Like Wind on a Dry Branch - Ch. 13 - Great Temple Havitus (5)

    Savage O.O that was some Grade A insults with a silver tongue Your Grace
  17. ShadowLamb

    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 16

    Sairaine is the most adorable thing ever. I want one